Complete Freedom (You are not free if you still have to ask someone for off-days)

Complete freedom

True freedom is when you go where you want at your own time and living what you love. Example: if you are a doctor and you enjoy and love healing people ‘that’s freedom’. If you are a teacher and you enjoy and love teaching ‘that’s freedom’. If you are a tourist and you enjoy and love touring ‘that’s freedom’. Even if it’s not a complete freedom if you are employed, at least you are doing what you enjoy and love.

If you wake up every morning going to a job that you don’t enjoy or love ‘that’s captivity’. You are indirectly forced to work for survival.  You are not free if you still have to ask someone for off-days at work. If you or your child get sick, your supervisor or manager wants proof that you really went to the clinic, If you don’t provide proof, you might be fired. To me it feels like a caged animal, only to be released when someone wants. Freedom is when we are able to choose our own path in life, and to associate with anyone we want. we have a natural basic right to be who we want, go where we want, do what we want as long as it’s not contradicting anyone, make our own choices and is important for a long-happy life.

Well, my greatest goal is to be free from having to separate with my family for work, make sure we spend all the time together. I believe that as loved ones we should spend most of our time together, but hey, We spend very little time together, blame it on the built-in system that we live in which is: Go to school, get good grades and get a high paying job. Not knowing that there is an awesome alternate out there. I spent a lot of time reading books and learning ways to completely free myself from this system. The most lucrative methods are: Investing in Stocks and Real Estate, Affiliate Marketing, Drop shipping, YouTube and Facebook Monetization, Teaching Online Courses, Writing E-books and Business Automation. These tools are currently the only way to completely free our selfs from this built in system.

This book gives you all the resources to be completely free: step by step guide to work your way towards freedom – No need for employment, no bosses, no pressure - spend all your time doing what you love.

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