What if I told you its not too late for you to finish rich? That even if you’re in your thirties, forties-even your sixties and beyond-you’ve still got an opportunity to put your life on the right track financially and stop worrying about the future.

What if I told you it’s possible to “catch up” on saving for the future without taking HUGE risks?

What if I told you that, even on an ordinary income, in less than a few hours you could transform how you earn, how you save, and how you invest-to the point where you really start now and finish rich

What if I told you that there are simple strategies you can use to make more money than you do now without quitting your job, so that you can finish even richer?


Online Advertising
online advertising is one of the simplest ways to earn money on the
internet. This is especially true if you have yet to earn your first passive
online income. But although it’s a simple concept, in practice it's not
necessarily easy without you doing proper research and learning the best
methods to suit your individual application. To make a good income with
this type of advertising, it requires a lot of traffic through your site because
of the small amount gained by each click or visitor.
Some of the best ways to have online advertising on your site or blog
are by using the following:
With Google AdSense, you can earn passive (online) income from your
website by showing ads that are relevant to your site and its visitors. One of
the great things about AdSense is that Google does most of the hard work
for you; they find the advertisers, pick the ads, track the clicks, and even
deposit the earnings straight to your bank account each and every month.
No wonder that 65% of the top 200 websites that show ads use AdSense.
Media.Net is very similar to AdSense. It is the Yahoo! Bing Network’s
answer to AdSense ads and is probably the second largest contextual
advertising company in the world. They have an approval process that is a
bit more extensive than Google AdSense and require a certain number of
page views monthly to get an account with them, but once established they
can provide an income stream that is very similar to AdSense.

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Chitika is similar to AdSense and; they are one of the popular
alternative ad networks to AdSense and have a low minimum payout
threshold. Especially if you have a blog with less traffic, Chitika is a
premium ad network which will show quality relevant ads. If you have a
high-quality blog, you can expect a great income from Chitika.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate internet marketing has been around almost as long as the internet,
and this is one of the best and easiest ways to earn some totally passive
income. Affiliate marketing is fairly simple. You earn money online by
promoting the products or services of another company for a commission
that is paid on each sale you make.
The normal approach is to partner up with affiliate programs and
almost all major internet businesses and companies have affiliate marketing
programs. Once you join and get their affiliate links, you can start
promoting them everywhere, on all your web activities
In order to build a steady and increasing long-term consistent income
stream from affiliate marketing, you need to have traffic and to be
promoting products that give people good value. To entice people to buy
those products, you need to have a web page that attracts plenty of people
and build a trusting relationship with your audience.
Build your own email subscriber list from people who visit your
website using a service like AWeber to capture emails and respond to
queries. You will then be able to create a list of people that trust you and
want to hear about what you have to say, and they will then be more
inclined to accept your affiliate product recommendations.
Usually, it is best to limit the types of products to those that are
closely associated with the theme or topic of your website or blog, because
if you have too many adverts people will soon become annoyed or
distracted and switch off, much the same way we do when the ads come on
out TV. Some of the good affiliate broker services are Google Adsense,
Amazon Associates, ClickBank, Commission Junction, Flex Offers, etc.
They all have thousands of different products in all types of ideas and
niches, so you will be sure to find some quality products to choose from.
Email Marketing
To be successful with email marketing, it is very necessary not to be seen as
a scammer or to be swamping people with irrelevant junk mail. You will be
sure to lose people quickly from your mailing list if you do. If done
correctly and tastefully, though, this can be a very successful method of
marketing because you are sending to people who know you and are
receptive to you and your niche, thereby increasing the chances of more
Niche Websites
Niche websites are a sound and successful way to make a good income if
you have a specialty product or service. They can be dedicated to one
subject or a part of a subject, and they then become of interest to a select
number of people, but people who are more likely to purchase because they
are interested in the subject of your website. These types of websites or
niche websites are much easier to advertise and are better for being picked
up by search engines, delivering you directly to the right customers.
Another way to make money from niche sites is to sell them by
auction at websites like Flippa. There is no reason not to have a whole
portfolio of niche sites; these could be of related subjects or totally different
independent standalone subjects, all contributing to your passive income.
When you look at most successful internet entrepreneurs, they own or
develop multiple websites because with each site it increases the potential
you have for making more and more earnings.
Writing Free-Lance
People who are good at writing or who enjoy writing articles, blogs, and
fictional short stories or just like writing in general about almost any topic
can often find there is a market for readymade, good quality content that
they may be able to sell on sites like Upwork, eLance or Freelancer. Some
popular sites like eHow,, and Yahoo are looking for writers, and
by selling or even just contributing regularly to these sites, it can help build
up your reputation. This, in turn, will help you to negotiate for better and
better rates as well as being able to compete for some of the higher paying
freelance jobs. Many of these will pay $50 per hour or more. But if doing
this type of work, it is vital to keep in contact with the people you contract
for as they like to know what's going on and not to be kept in the dark
because they often have deadlines to meet. This is especially important if
you have a long-term contract or a longer term project. By sending them
regular updates you will build people's confidence in your abilities and
asking questions ensures you have a good understanding of the work
If you ever have a job and are finding it hard to deliver the promised
work or to finish your contract, contact the people you are working for as
soon as possible and let them know. Business is business, and common
courtesy goes a long way. People need to be sure you can be relied on or
they will not employ you again and can very easily destroy your reputation,
so don't ever do anything that is going to hurt your reputation.
Search Engine Optimization or SEO
Those people who have a working knowledge about or anyone who takes
the time to learn about SEO, which is how search engines or websites work,
would find there is a huge demand for different types of articles that are
written in a style that optimizes search engine words such as keywords,
keyword synonyms, title tags, headers, bullets, etc.
Promoting Clickbank products
Clickbank is now probably the biggest digital products marketplace online.
One of the measures it uses is called ‘gravity' to represent how well a
product sells, based on how many sales have been made and how recent
these sales were. Clickbank has an affiliate program where you can find a
huge range of products. Once you join up, you can promote any of your
own or other people's products, as well as find people who will promote
your products, so you can potentially get a huge following for your site.
Promoting Amazon Products
The Amazon affiliate program is a really good way to promote physical
products, either your own or other people’s, through a reliable, trustworthy,
and well-known online store. Their commissions are fairly small, but
because everyone knows Amazon they have a huge amount of traffic. You
can earn a commission when you send someone to Amazon if they buy
anything else on Amazon within 24 hours, whether they end up buying the
product you promoted or not. So, for example, if you promoted a book and
the person you sent to Amazon ended up buying something else you will
get the commission for both. This can add up to a nice extra bonus.
Promoting Commission Junction Products
Commission Junction is one of the oldest and largest affiliate networks on
the internet today. Most of their merchants are well established which can
be an advantage if you’re looking to promote bigger brands. They offer
several options including pay per sale offers, pay per lead offers and other
types of offers.
Promoting DigiResults Products
Online business and internet marketing products are the main things
DigiResults focus on, but they also have other products ranging from health
and fitness to travel. Vendors and affiliates get paid at the point of sale, and
not a month or two later like most affiliate marketplaces, which makes them
more attractive.
Simple Virtual Assistant Jobs
Although this is not strictly passive income as you have to put in a small
amount of effort, these things are good because you get paid for doing
(very) simple tasks online.
This is a great way to get rewarded for purchasing or using products you
plan to buy anyway. Cashback sites pay you when you click through them,
go to retailers, and spend. There are well over 2,000 stores that offer
cashback including Walmart, Target, Sears, Calvin Klein, and others. You
can also get a $10 gift card after your first $25 worth of purchases. Sign up
is free.
Taking Surveys
There are many free survey websites offering users the ability to get paid
for taking surveys online. These sites should all be free and if you
encounter a survey site where sign up is not free, simply avoid it. There are
many good sites. Take a look at Global TestMarket, Mobrog or Toluna
Survey Center. You will never get rich taking surveys, but it is an
interesting way to spend a few idle minutes and pay for that odd coffee.
Answering Questions
There are so many people asking questions online, and if you're an expert in
your field, you can generate income by answering these questions. is a company that allows you to join their team of experts
and serve a customer base of more than 20 million people. is
a place for travel experts so check them out. They have great reviews and
positive commentary pretty much everywhere.
Writing Reviews
There are many companies that will pay you for writing reviews of their
products and services, especially if you have a well-established blog or
other online presence that is in the same or a similar field.

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Target Your Own Advertisers
There is no reason why you cannot target advertisers directly who have or
are advertising products relevant to your content and offer them deals or an
arrangement to sell your products and you to sell theirs.
Selling eBooks
If done the right way, selling eBooks can be quite a good passive income
stream. Once you have published your book and it is there permanently, it
will just keep on selling a few copies (or if you're lucky, lots of copies) for
years to come. Because there are millions of books out there, it is often hard
to break into this market, and it does take time to write a good book, and
usually it will take a while for it to start selling and provide you with an
income, but if you've got a lot of knowledge about a particular topic and
love to write, the new technology makes it really easy for anyone to write,
edit, and self-publish your own eBook for free. With little trouble, you can
make a very good income with eBooks. These can sell for as little as $0.99,
all the way up to +$100, depending on the content and the demand for
books on your chosen topic.
One of the really great things about writing and self-publishing
eBooks is that most of the online bookstores such as Amazon, (who are by
far the biggest) as well as almost all the others, will list and sell it for you
with no upfront fees. You pay a commission on sales, and they handle
everything, including marketing sales and book distribution, then deposit
the money into your account or send you a check. You are also free (as you
own the book) to sell and market it in any other marketplace such as eBay,
ClickBank, or through your own or friends' and associates' web pages or
Selling Your eBook on Amazon
If you are going to sell eBooks, then Amazon is the best choice because
they are the biggest online eBook retailer and generate around threequarters
of all eBook sales via their website. They will give you a return of
70% royalty on each book sold. The only problem is they do not disclose
the email address of the purchaser so you cannot add them to your mailing
list for updates and future sales.
Sell Your eBook on Your Own Website
Having your own website, and selling your own and other people's books
and products can be very lucrative. You gain the attention of your customers
and the ability to add them to your mailing list so that you can invite them
to come back to your site so that you can offer them some more of your
products or services. This is part of building up the all-important traffic,
especially this type of traffic as these people have already come to you, so
they are much more likely to become repeat or regular customers; this is
what's known as quality traffic.
Online Courses
If you can write an eBook, there is no reason you cannot write or create an
online course. This is another very good way to leverage your time and
effort by teaching something once and getting paid for it over and over
again. Many people feel that an online course or lessons are more valuable
than eBooks, mainly because they can offer multimedia content such as
video and audio and not just text. They usually also offer support, guidance
or coaching as part of your course, which adds, even more, value.
Although this might take five times more time than writing an Ebook,
but you can charge it ten times more as compared to the book. So your
effort will quickly reap the fruit. Before you start working on an online
course, you need to make sure that you've chosen the right niche. If the
niche is in demand, and you have set it nicely, it is highly likely that you
will get a quick profit, and it will only keep on increasing. If you are smart
enough, you can structure it in a way that people will sign up for monthly
updates, new resources, and special privileges. The best way to test the
price is by setting two extremes and then checking the relevant profit. For
example, $50 and $200. Let’s say five copies were sold for $50 and three
copies for $200. You should definitely be going with $200 as you have a
greater profit margin and people are willing to pay that amount for the
If you have your own website to market your online course, that’s
great. There are other platforms available which can be used to sell your
online courses. Udemy is the largest marketplace for selling online courses.
They not only provide a large user base, but you are also free to use your
course at any other source including your own website. Skillshare is another
useful platform which can be utilized to market your online source. It’s
more of a social learning platform with extreme diversity in niches. They let
you set up a class, and they will deduct 30% for every student enrolled in
your class (same for Udemy).
You have just read about dozen different ideas which can be
incorporated to make a steady passive income. 

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