
Complete Freedom (You are not free if you still have to ask someone for off-days)

Complete freedom True freedom is when you go where you want at your own time and living what you love. Example: if you are a doctor and you enjoy and love healing people ‘that’s freedom’. If you are a teacher and you enjoy and love teaching ‘that’s freedom’. If you are a tourist and you enjoy and love touring ‘that’s freedom’. Even if it’s not a complete freedom if you are employed, at least you are doing what you enjoy and love. If you wake up every morning going to a job that you don’t enjoy or love ‘that’s captivity’. You are indirectly forced to work for survival.   You are not free if you still have to ask someone for off-days at work. If you or your child get sick, your supervisor or manager wants proof that you really went to the clinic, If you don’t provide proof, you might be fired. To me it feels like a caged animal, only to be released when someone wants. Freedom is when we are able to choose our own path in life, and to associate with anyone we want. we have a natural b

BUILT-IN SYSTEM "What we are taught v.s what we are not tought in school"

IN SCHOOL YOU ARE TRAINED TO BE AN EMPLOYEE ; YOU ARE NOT TRAINED TO INVEST NOR START A BUSINESS. SLAVERY I really feel like am not free when I still depend on a job, having to wake up every morning and go to work. To me it feels like slavery. Slavery is a condition in which one human being was captured and owned by another and employed against their will (forced labour). Slavery was abolished back in 1865 and slaves where freed. In my opinion: slavery still exist because we are still dependent on a job, simply put: we are still indirectly forced to work because most families can’t survive without employment. I worked for lot of companies and I noticed that every employee is complaining about something in the company, the difference is now you can choose not to be enslaved, you can work your way to completely free your self from this built-in system which is: Go to school, get good grades and get a high paying job. Don’t get me wrong, am not saying that its wrong to be employed, I want